Friday, March 28, 2008

Internet Slander, Internet Defamation, Cyber Slander - Free Speech will not condone defamation

Visit my new Podcast Website on E-Venge.

Free Speech will not condone defamation.

$11.3M Jury Verdict for Damages for Internet Defamation speaks volumes. Carey Bock Levine will have this judgment with her and it will be a remind to her and others that defamation is not legal.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Sue Scheff: Five Ways to Defend Yourself Online

True or false, the information people find about you on the Web can have a big impact on your life. Here are five techniques to make sure that what people read about you is good (or at least true).

Click Here for the full article.

Defending yourself online has became a serious concern for many people.

The lack of regulations in Cyberspace means you have to learn to maintain your own Google Image.As both a victim and survivor of Internet Defamation, I know first hand the toll this can take on a person and their family. I fought back and won an unprecedented jury verdict for damages of $11.3M.

Free Speech does not condone defamation!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sue Scheff: Internet Defamation and Internet Slander - Protect Yourself

After I won an unprecedented jury verdict for damages done to me online of $11.3M - this has brought me into a new chapter of my advocacy. As a parent advocate, I educate parents on a loosely regulated industry some call - teen help residential programs and schools. After a horrific experience with my own teenager, I become a voice to create awareness to others so they didn't make the same mistakes I did.

Now with this new chapter of Internet Abuse and Cybersafety - I have meet with my Florida Senator several times and we just meet with our Congresswoman. I am very confident positive changes will be made to create a safer cyberspace - help to make people accountable - and reduce cyberbullying through new legislation.

My new position has put me in a public light, and I plan on using it to help others. I am contacted on a regular basis from victims of the Internet harassment as well as many media outlets. This is now a topic that is not going away anytime soon.

Visit my Podcasts on E-Venge.

My official website is