Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bullying Goes High Tech In A Cyber World

Another example of how parents need to take charge on what their kids are doing online - Cyberspace is becoming more and more risky - and Cyberbullying is climbing and harming more and more kids.

Bullying Goes High Tech in a Cyber World
by Isabelle Mascarenas

Parents Universal Resource Experts is proactive in educating parents today on the issues surrounding our kids - the most critical today is the dangers of the Internet. As a Parent Advocate, (Sue Scheff), I believe we have to keep informed and up to date on Cyber-Safety.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sue Scheff Press Room

I continue to be a voice against Cyberbullying, Internet Abuse as well as helping parents with today’s teens - there has been a vast amount of media coverage.

20/20 ABC News with Martin Bashir
CNN Headline News
Fox Morning Show with Mike and Juliet
CBC Television Sunday News Magazine
CBS News with Katie Couric
BBC Talk Radio
NPR Talk Radio
KFI Talk Radio with John and Ken
Fox News
USA Today
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
Washington Times
San Francisco Chronicle
Miami Herald
Sun Sentinel
Daily Business Journal
Internet Law Portal
Lost Children - Documentary by Zadig Productions
Asian Tribune
Over 100 AP articles

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sue Scheff featured on CBC News Television

CBC News Television - Sunday Morning News Magazine

How can you fight back when your personal information - whether true or false - ends up on the Internet for everyone to see, like a potential employer, for example? We give you tips on protecting your reputation online.